We are asking for your support and would like to thank you by offering your company or organization the following recognition. Every dollar counts and we will gladly issue a tax receipt for donations over $10.00. Please make cheques payable to “GSCS Foundation” or contact Robert Jungwirth for more information or questions at 306-975-7417 or Charlene Siwak at jjmc@sasktel.net.
All donors will receive:
- A mailed/emailed personal thank you letter within five business days.
- A Charitable Tax receipt issued by the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation for all donations of $10 or more.
- A mailed/emailed letter inviting them to visit the Falcon Park website at www.falconpark.ca which details the progress being made and acknowledges their gift.
- An invitation to register as a volunteer for our Build Day Nov 16, 2013
Donors and Volunteers (up to and including $100)
- Name recognition and/or Logo displayed on the Falcon Park website. Materials and In-Kind donations also recognized.
- Name recognition on the “Donor Wall” located in the St. Philip School during the fundraising campaign.
Bronze Donors ($101 to $500)
- Includes all forms of recognition listed above.
- Name recognition in the St. Philip School Newsletter and APC Community Association Newsletter.
- Business name displayed on Banner during Build Day.
- Business name exposure during National Live Broadcast on Build Day.
Silver Donors ($501 to $999)
- Includes all forms of recognition listed above.
- Their name engraved on a Plaque that will be mounted to the playground or an external school wall.
Gold Donors ($1000 or more)
- Includes all forms of recognition listed above.
- A framed and matted picture of the Falcon Park Playground (upon completion) that includes an engraved plate with personal/business name, which can be displayed in their place of business/office etc.
*We are also in need of volunteers. We need your help and skills! Volunteers can expect a fun and uplifting day, hands on work, free food and drink and to make a difference in your community. There are many ways you can contribute as a volunteer. Please register on our website or contact Roberta Hoiness at Rhoiness@sasktel.net.
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